Although alcohol,
contrary to the opinion of the majority, more properly called a
depressant, not an antidepressant (which, of course, I'm sure every
drunkard), I drink it for very specific purposes. It is, indeed, for a
while able to improve mood, relieve stiffness, raising talkativeness. At
the same time, it speeds up heart rate, increases blood pressure. In
addition, at the beginning of man to stimulate action.
Просмотров: 1712 |
Добавил врач: Athlon7st |
Дата: 09.09.2015
There are several classifications of memory disorders. According to one of them, the loss of memory, amnesia, or divided into partial or full. When a complete loss of memory, as the name implies, there is a loss of memories for some period of time in full.
In partial amnesia, everything is much more complicated: not all the
memories are lost, but only part of them to the same residues may
stirring memories in time and space, break the causal relationships
between events.
Просмотров: 1855 |
Добавил врач: Athlon7st |
Дата: 09.09.2015
The effects that occur after smoking "Spice" horrify even me, the doctor - psychiatrist with experience!
How to describe my patients, with eyes closed images are observed,
there are visual effects, can hear the voice of a man is not aware of
the existence of the body.
If a person does not lose consciousness, then there is some thought
process, but a person who is under the influence of "the smoking
mixture" completely loses touch with reality. There may come amnesia!
Просмотров: 1661 |
Добавил врач: Athlon7st |
Дата: 09.09.2015