Главная » 2015 » Сентябрь » 9 » Effects of joint antidepressant alcohol
Effects of joint antidepressant alcohol
Depression itself medicine has long been regarded as a separate mental disorder. The disease is, of course, can be associated with other mental, psychological, social and even physical illness, but the removal of such links does not always solve the problem. Depression is able to provoke a serious impact such that the patient may be very ill sad results. In fact, it is in such a condition may fall to that will try to put an end to life.

Although depression, perhaps so provoked, that is not always the knowledge of these factors and psychological care can keep a person from attempting suicide. Doctors and researchers have noted that the number of stress factors in the modern world is only growing, and even many of the features, such as loans and mortgages can turn causes depression. In scientific papers noted that among the general mass of people are now often found those already prone to depression from birth. This may be due, for example, dysfunction of the processes responsible for the production of serotonin and dopamine. Therefore, including the treatment of depression are not only various kinds of mental and psychological effects, but also all kinds of drugs. In the first place, of course, antidepressants - particular psychotropic drugs, specifically designed for the prevention or alleviation of depression.
Why alcohol is often mistaken for depression?

Although alcohol, contrary to the opinion of the majority, more properly called a depressant, not an antidepressant (which, of course, I'm sure every drunkard), I drink it for very specific purposes. It is, indeed, for a while able to improve mood, relieve stiffness, raising talkativeness. At the same time, it speeds up heart rate, increases blood pressure. In addition, at the beginning of man to stimulate action.

Many people think that alcohol, and antidepressants are specifically designed in order to ensure that people can relax, unwind and forget the works, to escape from sorrow. And what about in reality? Any spirits manifest themselves as agents of good brain activity. Mental their effect is such that it interferes with and disrupts normal activity of the brain. The exact dosage, as well as the effect of each person is different. But in any significant quantities of liquor, on the contrary, do not help either fall asleep or calm down. Do not believe me, but this is the biggest problem for alcoholics, and even after the binge drinkers ... they just can not sleep!
What are the consequences of a joint reception with alcohol?

It was not once identified and verified, the state oppression of booze - enhanced, therefore, the depth of the depressed state is increasing. The consequences of the simultaneous use of alcohol on the background of anti-depressants is much more than is commonly believed. Their partial list: Inside the skull headaches. Sleep disturbance. Additional allocation of adrenaline produces palpitations, spasms of small blood vessels and the load on the cardiovascular system. Before dangerous rise in blood pressure parameters. Liver dysfunction leads to the fact that slows and stops production of enzymes that are responsible for detoxification. Disrupt the normal functions of the nervous system. Drowsiness, weakness and apathy. Laying ears. Incoordination, staggering gait, everything goes wrong, because delayed reactions. The crux of the kidneys (a mixture of drugs and alcohol reduce reabsorbed function). The intoxication of the whole organism, which necessarily occurs when mixing alcohol and drugs in the blood.

It is also important to take into account the psychological effects of drinking alcohol. Alcohol clouds the brains and weakens the will. Man thinks that he drank nothing at all, while the dose for a long time exceeded reasonable. So the effect of drugs blocked from alcohol, for the desired effect often take their second dose. All this multiplies the toxic load and the liver begins to fail. Doctors are unanimous in the opinion that this is an extremely dangerous use of alcohol, when a man is in a deep depression, suicidal character. This combination of medicines, as a consequence of the following day can trigger release of hormones peak of anger and fear, which is able to exacerbate suicidal desire and cause suicide. Repeatedly in authoritative sources noted that a person is depressed and drinking alcohol increases the chance of dying by their own hand at 2-3.

In most cases, therapy with antidepressants is determined "not good", but it is possible and would require, however, a fairly long time. There is also such depressive disorders, the treatment of which permanent antidepressants must be adjusted - is for example, typically occurs when endogenous depression. That is why it is not surprising that some patients who undergo the appropriate treatment for depression, there are risks of combined admission of alcohol and drugs against depression. Naturally, it is better to first inquire: what medicine is compatible with alcohol. Antidepressants and alcohol - are compatible. It is so often the case that while necessary and useful treatment falls the date of any significant events and celebrations. And it may involve meal with a drink and maybe toast, congratulations, from which you can not refuse. The patient thinks of glasses or glass of wine will not be big trouble, let it happen while taking antidepressants. What are the consequences if you drink a little bit ... But no! - Considers the patient and wrong. Alcohol and antidepressants - a very bad combination, doctors know. And this "mixing" it will be extremely detrimental to the body. It may even be over not only unpleasant, and often truly dangerous consequences for being treated.
Antidepressants and alcohol on the direct action of the two opposing forces

Alcohol distorts the effect of different antibiotics, antimicrobials, and more. For example, the most studied interaction between antibiotics and alcohol can be identified such outcomes: Action tablets alcohol can increase. Action tablets can reduce alcohol. Ethanol has the ability to alter fundamentally the nature of the impact of the drug. Alcohol also neutralize or block the action of some pills. Thus, a combination drug in the blood and exogenous alcohol can result in the following:

Increase the effect of medicines
Or vice versa drug effect will disappear, because medication will be blocked by alcohol
The combined effect of drugs and alcohol will give a strong toxic reaction (paracetamol and alcohol destroy the liver, for example)
Will not predictable effect due to the opposite effects.

The latter is directly related to treatment with antidepressants. In the best case and the simultaneous reception of both literally will bring the action of these drugs on there. But more often, the most unexpected reactions occur, especially if the drugs are combined or multi-component. Then the pills and alcohol drunk together can occur a spontaneous reaction of unpredictable directions. Why, yes because a multifactorial process, depending on the dosage and many other factors simply can not be predicted. The body can react unexpectedly - from a simple tidal forces, increase vitality and mood, to paralysis, coma, and, if the doctors have time, hospitalization.
Some of the mechanisms of interaction between antidepressants and alcohol

Both alcohol and antidepressants have a strong psychoactive effect. But the problem is that alcohol its effect is strongly dependent on the dose and even the specific human tolerance to it. In the case of antidepressants target of these drugs and alcoholic beverages are practically the same, but the vector opposite effects. In general, the effects of alcohol aimed at regulating centers of oppression and suppression of certain natural reactions in the body, on the contrary encourage and create favorable conditions for their normal functions. They act in our body primarily through the monoamines. These monoamines - are biologically active substances that regulate the processes of vitality, mood and activity of the body. Among them are serotonin, adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine, melatonin, histamine. Alcohol different (depending on concentration) increases the allocation, and therefore act in addition, increased fuel consumption, and hence monoamine deficiency over time. Antidepressants, on the contrary, are designed to align the emotional background, contribute to the accumulation of nerve and humoral reserves in the body. Two forces acting opposite, cause the body to "work separation" which is why at the same time absolutely contraindicated the use of antidepressants and alcohol.

Alcohol and antidepressants, as well as in combination with other drugs, if they were adopted at a time, several times increase adverse toxic effects on the principal organ of detoxification - the liver. Antidepressants after all, like ethanol, are derived from the body of hepatic cytochrome. When a combination of medication for depression and alcohol, liver tissue obtained greater toxic load several times.

The combination of alcohol in the blood of a group of antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors should be considered as particularly dangerous. This enzyme (monoamine oxidase), the body responsible for the destruction of noradrenaline, adrenaline, histamine and serotonin, dopamine. Drugs for depression from the group of monoamine oxidase inhibitors slow the enzyme, blocking its ability to respect monoamines, ie allow hormones in the blood to be longer. This contributes, in turn, effective relief of symptoms of depression. Alcohol provokes, as we know, adrenaline in the body, which is the treatment of such drugs is accompanied by excessive heart palpitations, a significant increase in blood pressure, and small vessels - spasm. The compound tyramine, which is found in some beers and wine, similar in chemical structure to adrenaline. In such cases, (a combination of alcohol and antidepressants) it can do to raise the pressure up to the critical and extremely dangerous levels. The consequences of the use of alcoholic beverages during the treatment of depression can provoke a hypertensive crisis. It is noteworthy that within two weeks after discontinuation of an antidepressant danger remains.
What happens if you mix antidepressants and alcohol

In fact, it is a delicate process, although categorical conclusions drawn above, this fact does not change. Thus, in some cases, small doses of alcohol may accelerate absorption and action of the drug, and thus will be observed more rapid removal of unpleasant sensations and even calming process is easier.

Currently, the question of whether it is possible to wash down pills with alcohol and in what quantities, to the end is not studied. That is why very hard to say fairly, it will be a possible reaction after taking several doses of the drug and a certain amount of alcohol in combination preparations for the treatment of depression. In such an outcome it has a lot of variety of factors, including: the individual biochemistry of the body; a kind of anti-depressant; kind of alcoholic beverages; the dose ingested inside; ambient temperature, snacks, etc. In most cases, if you take alcoholic drinks after the effects of the drug will be negative - which can be viewed here.

An important characteristic of antidepressant treatment is the fact that therapy with these drugs should not be interrupted, otherwise, the healing process may be broken, and the measures will be ineffective. If you take alcohol after antidepressant treatment process should be considered a violation. Doctors sometimes to restore the effectiveness of therapy after drinking even a small dose of alcohol, treatment had to be adjusted, often unassigning tabletochki. Thus, the patient will be forced to give up medical support for up to two weeks.

It is clear that such a forced break in treatment would have a negative impact on the patient's condition. The newly activated depressing feeling that can provoke not only unpleasant thoughts, but also headaches. Logically, at the same time, be sure to clean the kidneys and liver to effectively overcome the consequences of toxic attack by simultaneously taking medicines and alcohol. It is necessary for the resumption of medical procedures to prepare the body.

From all the above it is not difficult to make a clear conclusion: absolutely not worth combine alcohol and antidepressants. And there can be no excuses, such as "a little will not hurt," etc. There is no celebration, there will be no such any other cause, which involves the use of alcoholic beverages, so that they can justify the risks, about which we wrote for the site "liberation." Why take the risk, why drink to expose their health and sometimes the life of the most serious danger

For the people of Europe the price of treatment - 600 euro: detox from heroin to 3 days (full, painless cure of the drug), accommodation, food + meeting, transfer to hotel (shuttle).

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