Treatment and cleansing the body of amphetamine
If you used amphetamines - stop doing it!
This information is not propaganda of drugs and drug manufacturing. The purpose of this material to convey to people who use drugs, simple principles that will help them maintain health and prevent all sorts of diseases, one way or another associated with drug use, and most importantly immediately begin treatment for drug dependence.
If you used amphetamines - stop doing it!
This information is not propaganda of drugs and drug manufacturing. The purpose of this material to convey to people who use drugs, simple principles that will help them maintain health and prevent all sorts of diseases, one way or another associated with drug use, and most importantly immediately begin treatment for drug dependence.

Amphetamines are synthetic drugs. To amphetamine type drugs are - amphetamine, methamphetamine, methyl fenidan, dexamphetamine and phenmetrazine.
First amphetamines were produced more in 1920. And immediately began to be used in medical practice. Drugs relieve fatigue and drowsiness, decreased appetite.
Today, amphetamines became popular among the students preparing for exams, truckers make long flights and other professions that require relieve fatigue or drowsiness.
Call psychiatrist
To remove amphetamine hangover invoke our doctor psychiatrist at the house for cleaning the body. Our specialist will come to you within an hour (in Moscow). Your doctor will perform the procedure of cleansing the body (detoxification, detoxification) using sedatives and sleeping pills, diagnose heart and body as a whole. Following the procedures and the use of drugs, you will feel relief and sedation, heart rate and blood pressure returned to normal, as required * you slowly drifted off to sleep. The next day you will return to full working capacity. The service "call the psychiatrist at home" to cleanse the body is anonymous, professional narcologists performing house calls, certified and licensed professional confirms that our actions in health care.
For all questions rehabilitation, doctor on call psychiatrist at the house around the clock
tel +7 495 782 78 12
Amphetamines (anfetamin) cause psychological dependence, and it comes more quickly than other drugs. Amphetamine ingestion increases the activity and endurance, but this effect does not last for a long time, it can be extended only to take the next dose. Being under the influence of drugs, people often overestimate their abilities.
A frequent complication of amphetamine when administered into a vein to become necrosis of the vessel, ie, his mortification, which was injected with. It is also possible kidney damage, hypertension, inflammation of the pancreas, lung edema.
Amphetamines do not cause physical dependence in the classical sense of the word, but the sudden cessation of taking the drug will not remain without consequences. If this type of stimulant used for a long time to eliminate fatigue and need for sleep, the failure of the drug fatigue and sleepiness manifest to a greater degree.
Also, a person stopped taking amphetamines occurs deep depression, which could lead to a resumption of reception of drugs and sometimes to suicide. Upon cancellation of the drug addicts have often thought of suicide, which is the greatest danger to himself.
Our highly qualified doctors addiction psychiatrists, toxicologists, psychologists, and therapists carry out treatment according to amphetamine in the hospital and at home. The unique psychological approach to patients allows us to derive treatment and rehabilitation to the next level when the patient has a real desire to overcome their dependence to amphetamine. The attending psychiatrist, the psychiatrist with additional qualified clinical psychologist, youth psychologist constantly monitors the entire process of treatment wherever he was held, in the hospital or at home, the constant control of our physicians to achieve the best results of treatment and rehabilitation, more on the page Treatment of drug addiction
Removing amphetamine hangover? How to recover from amphetamine.
When removing hyperstimulation after amphetamine use the procedure of detoxification (cleansing of the body after consumption of amphetamine) with concomitant medications, as well as treatment simptomologicheskoe relief of hypertensive crisis and arrhythmia. A treatment according to amphetamine - psychoanalysis with simultaneous complete discontinuation of the drug. Detoxification can be done both in hospital and at home.
Invoke our doctor psychiatrist at the house for cleaning the body after consumption of amphetamine. Our specialist abide to you within an hour (in Moscow). Your doctor will perform the procedure of cleansing the body of amphetamine (detoxification) using sedatives and sleeping pills, diagnose heart and body as a whole. Following the procedures and the use of drugs, you will feel relief and sedation, heart rate and blood pressure normolizuyutsya as needed * you slowly drifted off to sleep. The next day you will return to full working capacity. The service "call the psychiatrist at home" to cleanse the body after consumption of amphetamine anonymous, professional narcologists performing house calls, certified and licensed professional confirms that our actions in health care.
To remove the "amphetamine hangover", you can simply call a doctor at home anonymously.
For all issues recovery of the body after use of amphetamine, doctor on call psychiatrist at the house around the clock.
* Optional use of sedatives and sleeping pills discussed with your doctor during the procedure of detoxification.
If you used amphetamines - stop doing it!
This information is not propaganda of drugs and drug manufacturing. The purpose of this material to convey to people who use drugs, simple principles that will help them maintain health and prevent all sorts of diseases, one way or another associated with drug use, and most importantly immediately begin treatment for drug dependence.
For all questions of drug treatment, according to the amphetamine in the hospital and at home, please call 8-495-782-78-12 - "Anonymous Drug Addiction Mosmedservis Moscow". Chance of treatment at home with the frequency of visits you narcologist doctor to conduct relevant procedures, and the use of intravenous medications. The doctor monitors you the whole course of treatment, is in touch with you 24 hours, the psychological support you and your loved ones all the way to get rid of dependence.
During treatment at the Clinic You do not feel the lack of understanding on the part of medical staff, all treatment takes place anonymously, at your request in the House, you can be alone without meeting with other patients, we will try to make your stay very comfortable and efficient.
The destruction of consciousness amphetamine
How to destroy their brains amphetamine, and at the same time, the soul or consciousness ?, after which it will be necessary drug treatment in the clinic, because the self-cure is not out.
Amphetamine-here it is the trump card in the hands of self-destructive, and may not be in the hands, and in his pocket a small envelope, in principle, it does not matter. Pharmaceutical drugs also kill your information. Stimulants are different, in theory and coffee can sleep well, or so undermine the nervous system itself, that the slightest stress will push you into the abyss of madness. But coffee is a drug so to warm up. Of course there is much slaughter, in the sense of failure of the brain stuff. (±) -1-phenyl-propan-2-amine - hello or amphetamine high speed ("speed", "speed"). Americans fought with the Japanese, we have fought for the first time threw the opium, and the second in the world have placed sulfate, from slow to fast, as it is illogical, these Yankees. Well, then, you want to take away the brain itself? Eat speed and wash down with a beer, at least phobia you provided. For example, before going to bed twenty times to check off any gas, if the door is closed, wash the spoon in the sink that it would not be hurt, type applies to all because he wanted to, what would treat you. Masturbation in the morning, too, twenty times, but with a different feed, because it is the only way to sleep without sleeping pills. And that's to easy. In general, all this is very serious, it is not called sorry brains, have pity on the body. Problems with the stomach, larynx, lungs, etc. etc. - In such cases, cleansing the body after consumption of amphetamine.
This greeting from the psyche: amphetamine overdose accompanied by the development manioformnogo excitation observed circumlocution, unmotivated physical activity, affective confusion. At the height of psychotic disorders, symptoms of an organic nature, beyond the affective disorders, such as amnesia for events that occurred during the period of intoxication. There are also tremors, ataxia, oculomotor disturbances. Often develop sophisticated psychotic picture: delirious disorders of consciousness, accompanied by visual hallucinations; possible episodes of confusion on the oneiric type, against which there are elements of the syndrome of mental automatism, such as a sense of "transfer of energy through the body." What is called a lot of incomprehensible words, but the essence is the same, all this bad, bad!
Chance after prolonged consumption of stimulants, whether it is methamphetamine, amphetamine, cocaine, amphetamine, and more, to get in a psychiatric hospital is very high, but believe me, and most suffer from obsessions, delusions of persecution, paranoia, until the hallucinations is not very nice, I would say disgusting . So what conclusion does not think about it in practical terms, and after practice to think there will be nothing.
If you used amphetamines - stop doing it!
Cutting of messages or letters to our online users
Friends do not beg upotrelyayte amfetami. I was born for the second time umenja was acute heart failure. horror as scary. Derzhalsyav consciousness is riding fast. A little wait for the whole family cried mennya barely otklyaali and I fell off the hospital you know, for some reason ,, as a nick ban preporat. Well menyatproyulema ,, broken heart rhythm rvboty chuvsvo pperedat not just a nightmare ,, heart pauses during ostonovki typrosto paralyzed ,, a feeling you can not dyhnut ,, and then it just vyprigivaet of me as there had accumulated a lot of blood and it's his protalkivaet.pozhaluysta help to do that. And just for your information. I have not pricked tried for a long time just drinking Coke ,, 5a protizheni 4 days ,, but since I okozalos aretmiya this load provoked the attack ,, Imagine well the heart is working without interruption ot120 to 150 beats and even leaching ,, finally the heart is not zhileznoe. As doctors say, I was 70 percent of the body as I am in those moments begged my mother to help it's just scary when I remember how I tried to keep in mind, I prayed to God. All this is accompanied by unfarkt uzastnoy naoborod panic that makes things worse uspakoitsya should try not to drink pytatsya samibchto of all pharmaceuticals etoerunda. I soprativlyalsya because razoblafeniya but when nkchvl leave this world is told in order to know what to do. Take care of yourself is not worth the Gono. Now I do not get out of bed in predkushenii another attack.
All messages, questions and answers on the page: (Question / Answer psychiatrist)
>> English version (auto translator)
This information is not propaganda of drugs and drug manufacturing. The purpose of this material to convey to people who use drugs, simple principles that will help them maintain health and prevent all sorts of diseases, one way or another associated with drug use, and most importantly immediately begin treatment for drug dependence.
On the subject of information for parents:
What is "Amphetamine" - (amphetamine), in slang, "speed", "speed", "hair"
If you used amphetamines - stop doing it!
This information is not propaganda of drugs and drug manufacturing. The purpose of this material to convey to people who use drugs, simple principles that will help them maintain health and prevent all sorts of diseases, one way or another associated with drug use, and most importantly immediately begin treatment for drug dependence.
What is "Amphetamine" - (amphetamine), in slang, "speed", "speed", "hair"
If you used amphetamines - stop doing it!
This information is not propaganda of drugs and drug manufacturing. The purpose of this material to convey to people who use drugs, simple principles that will help them maintain health and prevent all sorts of diseases, one way or another associated with drug use, and most importantly immediately begin treatment for drug dependence.
Synonyms: aktedrin, alentol, amphamine, amphedrine, amphethamini sulfas, amphetamine sulfate (amphetamine sulfate), benzedrine sulfate, benzpropamin, euphodyn, amphetamine (phenaminum), isoamin, ortedrine, psychedrinum, psychoton, racephen, raphetamin, sympamin, sympatedrine.
Classification of actions: psychostimulant.
Amphetamine - a colorless, mobile, non-volatile liquid. It absorbs CO2 from the air and becomes a volatile salt - carbonate. Very frequently applied in the form of salts: amphetamine sulfate, phosphate or hydrochloride. Amphetamine is often a white, crystalline powder with a strong specific smell, is very active as a stimulant.
Amfetamin - synthetic analogue of the stimulant cocaine. Cocaine amphetamine different duration of action (from 5 to 20 hours), a stronger stimulating effect.
History of amphetamine:
Amphetamine was synthesized in 1932 as a means of appetite suppressant.
Amphetamine found military application, and then entered into the global psychotherapeutic practice and gained massive popularity.
If you used amphetamines - stop doing it!
After World War II, when Japan was occupied by US troops, police detainees for various reasons, teenagers began to find stashed some pills. It turned out to be amphetamine. During the war, the drug given to American aviators and mariners as a means to relieve fatigue, fighting sleep while on duty, increase alertness. By 1954, Japan has hundreds of thousands of teens have abused amphetamine.
It is the abuse of amphetamine among Japanese teenagers, which began in the 50s, it was the beginning of an "epidemic of teen drug addiction," the second half of the XX century. From Japan the epidemic were transferred to the US and then to Europe. Amfetaminomaniya particularly prevalent among teenagers in England and Sweden.
Amphetamine as a means to relieve fatigue and increases the activity, it was attractive to teens for two reasons. It was in the late 50s and early 60s in the United States have become fashionable among teenagers "all night dance" - "dancing all night" in special clubs. Danced to rock 'n' roll, twist, shake, t. E. Dance, require more physical exertion. Amphetamine allowed the teenager to "be at the level of" all or even ahead of the other in endurance. Another reason was widespread in those same years, teenage gangs, arrange bloody battles with each other for "the possession of the territory", which does not allow "outsiders". Amphetamines stimulate aggression, remove fear, increases alertness, he gave self-confidence, making it more "militant". As a result, already in 1964, in England, 18% of teenagers who escaped from homes or boarding schools and detained by the police, were found in the urine amphetamine derivatives. In Sweden in 1966, 28% of amphetamine abused teenagers in California in the early 70-ies - 20% of high school students, and in general in the United States amphetamine spread "without distinction of regions and classes."
In the USSR, the amphetamine produced from the 40s, but restrictions apply in clinical practice and has been malodostupen. In the 80-90-ies of amphetamine craze began to spread in the North-West region of Russia, the Baltic countries and Kazakhstan. Net use drugs less frequently. They are not readily available.
If you used amphetamines - stop doing it!
In 70 years of amphetamine abuse among adolescents in Western countries began to wane. Amphetamine replaced marijuana, heroin, hallucinogens and inhalants.
Amphetamine is still retained its "military" value - included in the kits of special units of the US Army. Produced dozens of companies in the world. The volume of black market amphetamine great today, amphetamine is offered in the form of salts (powders) and under the guise of ecstasy tablets, or in a single composition with MDMA and other empathogenic / psychedelics.
Amphetamine in medicine:
For a long time, amphetamine was considered one of the main psychoactive funds. They are widely used to enhance mental and physical performance, for the treatment of narcolepsy, depression, the effects of encephalitis and other diseases associated with somnolence, lethargy, apathy, asthenia, when postencephalitic parkinsonism (with holinoliticheskimi drugs). Amphetamine has been proposed for the treatment of uterine inertia (a single oral 20 mg). The introduction of the drug reduces the fatigue of the mother and leads to increased labor.
As a central nervous system stimulant amphetamine used to overcome fatigue and a temporary increase in physical and mental performance. Be aware that long-term use of amphetamine is not allowed, since it only mobilizes reserves of the body and does not eliminate the need for normal rest and recuperation.
In the late '90s and early 2000s in Russia have become popular "Thai pill" for weight loss, they were used by the stars and the ordinary people who wanted to lose weight at lightning speed, and the miracle pill did so, although consumers did not know about the content of amphetamine pills. Вскоре правда вышла наружу и "Тайские таблетки" были запрещены, да и потребители боялись связываться с наркотой. Но и до сегодняшних дней такие средства существуют. Be carefull!
If you used amphetamines - stop doing it!
tel +7 495 782 78 12
Treatment and purification of organism from amphetamine in Moscow