tel. +7 495 782 78 12

· Rescue, transportation to the hospital.
· Anonymous treatment for drug abuse, treatment and rehabilitation at home with the use of stationary treatment methods.
· Rapid relief of withdrawal symptoms ( withdrawal drug withdrawal anonymously, removing the hangover ) doctor narcologist in the hospital and at home.
· Call cardiologist-narcologist, services: removal ECG with decoding at home (in the case of heart complications and chronic diseases).
· Detoxification from amphetamine, purification from cocaine cleansing the body of marijuana.
· The output from the back at home.
· All types of encoding (encoding, blocking from alcohol, coding from drugs).
· Blocking of drug use (blocking drugs).
· Detoxification ( rapid detoxification of the body, the drip from a hangover, the output from the back, the elimination of long binge ).
· Hemosorbtion. Services in the hospital.
· Plasmapheresis. Services in the hospital.
· Mental (psychological) treatment of alcohol and drug abuse, the treatment of deep depression.
· Addiction treatment medications ( medications: "Lyrics", "Terpincod", Codelac" and others).
· Psychological help to the patient and his family, support of a psychologist on the phone.
· Advice to relatives of the patient (round-the-clock phone 8(495) 782-78-12).
· Family psychologist, a child psychologist, personal psychologist. Work with teenagers with addiction to Receive - Treatment according to the Spice (JWH-018). Doctor psychologist, psychiatrist-narcologist departure for home.
· Application of innovative methods of treatment in narcology and psychiatry.
· Treatment of epilepsy on the background of alcoholism and drug abuse.
· Inpatient rehabilitation period.
· All types of diagnostics and analysis laboratory.
· Departure of the doctor-psychiatrist, psychologist for a course of treatment in any region of the Russian Federation.
· Rehabilitation in the Moscow region. From 30 days.
Telephone consultation with a doctor narcologist for self-treatment
We accept patients from Europe, will provide a meeting and wires, favorable conditions.
We accept patients on treatment from Europe, we will provide a meeting and a seeing-off, favourable conditions.
>>Fast narcological help in Moscow<<
Rehabilitation center of the company "Mosmedservice"
The effectiveness of drug abuse treatment

There are heavily dependent people. This drug addicts. There are less serious flaws, such as alcoholism. Getting into dependence, the person drops out of the reality of life, his personality completely destroyed. He forgets to family and friends, and on the mind of one thought, to get momentary pleasure again and again by any means. Any dependence terrible for a person. It degrades. Destroyed the old values. Favorite when people cease to be such for him. Vices come to the fore.
Scary "gamers"who often carry away the last valuables from the house. The game draws them into a dangerous trap. Man does not give an account of his actions, is not aware of reality. Spends large sums of money on slots and casino. Drug addicts, alcoholics and "gamers" in most cases do not consider themselves dependent and sick people. They just don't realize it. Life values and priorities they have shifted. Parents and relatives are often unable to help them. Treatment agree units in voluntary form.
According to today captured the hearts and souls of people. This was a natural disaster in our country. That's why began to open narcological clinics. Their number is growing every year. The government cares about its citizens, but cannot cope with this trouble, because the USSR had left us a legacy (narcological clinics and treatment methods), because in the Soviet Union was not drug users and a large number of alcoholics requiring treatment. On this now in the country there is as such an effective addiction.
Are developed the special programs for treatment only in private clinics.
Our company name is caused by the anonymity of our actions with VIP clients who did not want to hear the words and phrases "drugs", "alcoholism", "dependence" and others during treatment and rehabilitation, because at stake career, family, etc. So it was 10 years ago, it remains so now. For anonymity we meet.
International method of treatment of drug addiction, which uses "Mosmedservice"
widespread around the world.
For the first time this technique began to operate in America. Today is actively used in Russia, where it has proved itself.
Often praeceptis in a normal hospital, without the rehabilitation of sick again breaks on drugs and alcohol. It is a vicious circle. As a prisoner makes a move for chodchoy and a drug addict. This is already a way of life. Endless ordeal.
Psychotropic substances physician narcologist in the treatment of patients with help only for a short time. People from one illusion falls into another. Once again in their familiar environment, drug addict breaks down again on the needle. Only few of them are able to break out of this vicious circle, he is free from dependence.
"Mosmedservice" offers a real solution and helps after treatment to remain in remission for a long time. In our clinic, patients are not humiliated, there competently deal with them psychologists and help to adapt to normal life. They use the competent psychological techniques, communicate with patients on an equal say about the value of human life and the possibility of a wonderful future. Experts hope for a better, learn to live without drugs. They talk about how wonderful to live, analyze different situations. It is not the psychological impact against the will of the patient, and regular communication. Psychologists talk, explain that life is impossible to live without the sorrows and troubles. At the same time help to realize that the world and without drugs beautiful. Learn how to live a full life.
This rehabilitation program cures people and helping them return to normal life. Psychologists explain that life is beautiful, and there's relatives and loved ones. No need to hide from the world. They are taught how to live a normal happy life and be rehabilitated in society. "Moldservice" improves the quality of life of patients. As a result of this program of rehabilitation addiction released a large number of people and not only from Russia but also from Europe, there is high-quality treatment is much higher, so they come to us for treatment and rehabilitation. "Mosmedservice" got positive feedback and gratitude from different countries. In Russia this method appeared recently. It is known only to the few. But every year the program is expanding. A healthy population of the nation. The results of the program striking. The majority of drug users receiving treatment and rehabilitation in Maimedservis", never coming back, to bad companies and harmful habits. They are in long-term remission and not think about my addiction anymore. Anyone without restriction may take a course of treatment in Mosmedservice" continue to adapt in the society without drugs. Any Russian can ask for help in "Mosmedservice", and he will help.
Provided treatment and rehabilitation (full course), observance of readings and assignments doctors "Mosmedservice" - we give 100% guarantee of deliverance from drug addiction, for which we bear full responsibility confirmed with documents from our side. In case of not fulfilling its obligations and later relapse patients, "Mosmedservice" will refund 100% of payment for treatment and rehabilitation.
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