All-Russian research centre drug abuse and alcoholism in the family.

The all-Russia center of studying problems of drug addiction and alcoholism in the family is a multi - field medical institution, one of the directions of which is research and development of new methods of treatment and rehabilitation of alcoholics and drug addicts, Private, psychological work with the relatives of the patient for General analysis "atmosphere" within the family. In the emergency treatment of drug abuse, call the psychiatrist at home, a psychologist, work adolescent psychologist at the addiction to Smoking mixtures or Spice, termination and conclusion of long binge, painless removal of narcotic withdrawal, coding blocking alcohol and drug dependency.
Also, the treatment and purification of the body of marijuana or from Smoking mixtures or Spice.
Treatment of alcohol dependence always begins with the removal of the binge, the relief of withdrawal conditions at home or in the hospital. The duration of alcohol use affect the number of necessary procedures of detoxification and complex application of necessary medical preparations, which will assign our doctor narcologist. At the check-out narcologist, the patient will be given emergency, anonymous, drug treatment at home using the most effective drugs and methods to suit the patient. The output from the back, coding or blocking from alcohol, it all procedures provided by narcologists, both at home and at our hospital. During the procedure of detoxification-detox (withdrawal from binge with dropper), from the doctor narcologist, You will feel the support and understanding, so necessary at this moment You and Your relatives. We look for and find the approach to each patient individually, so all our narcologists engaged in the home, are professional psychologists, who quickly find a common language with the young and elderly patients, because the understanding of the patient-physician relatives, this is the original and primary task, treatment and rehabilitation boldogasszony is that deprives people of their liberty. And no matter depend on whether the person, from the syringe with the drug bottle of vodka or from a regular cigarette. He no longer controls my life. Sooner or later the dependence'll make him obey and go to look for a dose of nicotine, alcohol or heroin.
In order to find true freedom from addictions have to get rid of. The full extent of this truth can be understood only by those who once visited the hell of drug and alcohol abuse, who had turned into a never-ending nightmare of being loved ones, and who was able to defeat the disease, to believe that the life without addictions possible, that it is interesting and full of positive emotions.
Former drug addicts and alcoholics in contact with narcologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists and psychologists from the Department of "narcology and rehabilitation" our medical center. They were able to break the vicious circle, was free from addiction and returned to the family, and work for peace. Today these people are sober way of life for over 7 years and serve as a living example of what addiction can be overcome.
On average, according to independent experts, out of 100 people who received treatment in our center in the Department of "addiction" program "New life" in the first years of the center's work, more than 60 are sober way of life for nearly five years.
Experts say that the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction until full recovery is possible at any stage of the disease. On their account numerous cases of recovery of patients treated unsuccessfully in other clinics around the world.
Our Department of narcology accept on treatment and rehabilitation of patients from Europe, so English is spoken by almost the entire senior staff of the center. The absence of a language barrier allows the patient to fully immerse yourself in the healing atmosphere of the program "New life", to become a full participant of the rehabilitation process, to take the heat, care and support service specialists, narcologists.
Behind employees of the two organizations, Maimedservis and national medical research centre
drug abuse and alcoholism in the family of a 10-year experience of freeing people from addiction with the help of the unique methods designed for complex treatment of addiction, alcoholism and any form of addiction. Treatment methods are developed individually for each patient, taking into account every features of life, home, work, children, etc., doctor conducts psychological work at all stages of treatment, as with the patient and his family. Centre specialists use the latest achievements of world medicine and unique experience gained during her medical practice. Widely used in clinical methods of group and individual psychotherapy, treatment of nature. To relieve withdrawal syndrome apply modern safe drugs. Unique technology allows to avoid the dangerous consequences after detoxification of the body.
Honey Center and narcology Department works according to the state license, all employees are certified, that confirms the qualifications of our actions in the assistance.
Relatives and friends of addicts also suffer from their illness. Russian national medical center of studying problems of drug addiction and alcoholism in the family is one of the few rehabilitation center, which provides support to the relatives of alcoholics and drug addicts suffering from codependency - long stress of life next to a dependent person, and their rehabilitation and return to normal life. Relatives of patients, if desired, take an active part in their recovery.
The refusal of the dependent person familiar environment, care of the society, where it is customary to use drugs, alcohol is the first step to return to normal life.
Anonymity in narcology. Many dependent people are afraid of disclosure of information about what they are sick, and don't want to cause her family for more suffering. For those who wish to remain incognito, Honey centre for the study of problems of alcoholism and drug abuse in the family offers the program VIP treatment in narcology. Call the psychiatrist at home for help and advice.
In the Department of narcology is available around the clock anonymous hotline, for those suffering from addiction to drugs or alcohol and their families.
Confucius said, "will Win themselves - will conquer all!" The struggle with addiction is a daily battle with yourself and with the time that was spent to acquire and build bad habits, with the environment and the society, which pushes back into the arms of the dependent lifestyle. To overcome all this at once is impossible. But to embark on the path of recovery, pass it, and to defeat the disease. The rehabilitation center will help to make the road to freedom shorter. Get rid of dependence with us, and to live a full life! Narcology - Program "New life" is the only way out.