A blood test for drugs
Biochemical trace of alcohol or drug poisoning is a long time.
In the practice of doctors - drug treatment there are cases when people suffering from alcoholism, successfully masked and hide the disease. It is enough to keep from drinking a few weeks and see a doctor is a person without the express prior signs of alcohol poisoning. Only very recently have begun using drug treatment reliable and objective method that allows you to diagnose various forms of abuse not only alcohol, but also drugs.
The basis of this technique is polyenzyme analysis of blood serum.
In humans the enzyme activity varies all the time depending on the age, time of day and year, of food, health, and even the mood. In a healthy person of such fluctuations occur within certain limits, which are considered to be the norm. In response to systematic or even a single dose of drugs or alcohol protective reaction of the body moves the border, and the activity of various enzymes varies in different ways. Many years of laboratory research, numerous biochemical analyzes of blood serum (spectral method) of more than 5,000 people have allowed experts to find a reference biological markers, that is, to find the most informative group of enzymes that show the effects of alcohol on the human body, not only quick reactions, but also those which have long-term consequences. There were about ten of enzymes; peculiar changes in their blood - this is the biochemical trace of which remains in the body of an alcoholic or a drug addict, even after several months of abstinence.
If you abuse alcohol or taking drugs change the number of the most important enzymes and abrupt characteristic variation of enzyme activity over time. For practitioners was very important that the biochemical traces can be used for differential diagnosis: a doctor not only determines the stage of alcoholism or drug addiction, but also know that stuff that people intoxicating themselves (this can be alcohol, substances similar to opium, heroin, amphetamines, certain medications).
Features the biochemical response of the body to alcohol poisoning is impossible to explain in detail; Moreover, scientists have not found a violation of the scheme of generalized normal regulation, which results in alcoholic disease. Perhaps the new presentation of one of the enzymes that will help to solve this complex problem.
It is a gamma glutamyl transferase, abbreviated GGT; its activity varies in almost all kinds of drugs, and not only, - the operation of this enzyme breaks down in response to subcooling, in many diseases (for example, in hepatitis and pancreatitis), in stress reactions of the organism. Scientists suggest that GGT is responsible for all the processes of adaptation and increasing enzyme activity - is a versatile barrier, biological weapons defense, the body's response to any poisoning. What is the mechanism of this reaction? Over the GGT enzyme involved in the metabolism of biogenic amines such important substances produced in the body as histamine, adrenalin, dopamine, serotonin and others.
They regulate the central nervous system and, therefore, responsible, ultimately, for human behavior. Obviously GGT contacting biogenic amines can change their activity and, on the other hand, facilitates their penetration into cells, including in the nerve.
Now biochemists received information that the level of GGT largely reflects the characteristics of the constitution of each person and is linked to individual sensitivity to alcohol in healthy people and in patients with alcoholism. Moreover, the experiment shows that it is associated with GGT speed of alcoholism.
Studies have confirmed that chronic heavy drinking in alcoholics is closely linked to the level of GGT in the body. Phase aversion to alcohol in the body corresponds to the depletion of stocks of this enzyme; when, over time, GGT activity is restored, the phase of irresistible attraction to strong: work a kind of "swing". (It should be remembered that the enzyme GGT is a characteristic marker, in the body there are complex processes that involve, and many other enzymes and regulators of the central nervous system - the biogenic amines.) This approach gives perspective to the search for new drugs and ways to prevent relapse in alcoholism.
Methods multienzyme blood test given to doctors - narcologists inestimable advantages of accurate and reliable diagnosis to enhance the authority of the doctor, allowed to identify the disease at an early stage, the stage of "calm" and hidden forms. This technique helps to accurately assess the aptitude of people, especially those responsible for such specialties as drivers, pilots, operators and teachers.
How to confirm that the child is receiving or taking drugs?
If you encounter such a problem as the suspicion of drug use by your children or family, our medical center of family psychology and addiction carries a psychological analysis of the child, plus laboratory tests of biological fluids (urine, blood) for maintenance drugs. Intake of fluids for analysis and psychological work is done in a hospital or at home by the patient (suspected), while laboratory analysis of 5 to 72 hours, the procedure is 100% anonymous.
For persons older than 18 years must be their direct consent.
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