Главная » 2015 » Сентябрь » 10 » Why teenagers start using drugs?
Why teenagers start using drugs?
Experts identified several models of addictive behavior or addiction to drugs.

Model soothing.

This is one of the most common uses of psychoactive substances and drugs in order to achieve peace of mind. Its use is intended to eliminate stress, the fact relax, calm down, to relax, to escape the unpleasant or dangerous of the intractable problems of life reality. It teens alcoholism or anesthesia is explained as follows: "To be calm".

Sometimes the mental stress - is an independent reason for the use of various drugs, regardless of the characteristics of personality or character. The dominant motif is a high prevalence psychodynamic tensions depressed mood, often with irritability, sadness.

It is sufficiently adapted, have not found their place in life, ill-adapted to the new environment, teens are due to dissatisfaction with their relationships with others in a state of mental stress. They must find ways to harmonize their positions. Not being able to normalize relations with close family, with friends at school or with friends in an informal group of teenagers using psychoactive substances, to ensure that the role of a lifeline in violation of interpersonal relationships are met . They say that this is done ". To make it easier to talk to people" The habit of consuming psychoactive substances threatens to become a permanent form of escape from reality in the slightest obstacle in the way of life.

Some adolescents use substances to change emotional states: anxiety, depression, apathy. Your goal - to improve the mood, achieve emotional comfort in critical (breaking with family, loss of a significant amount, disappointment in love, friendship) and difficult situations. Addiction to psychoactive substances may arise as a form of self in the early stages of neurotic or psychotic disorders, sometimes even during the absence of overt symptoms.

The communication model.

This model of addiction may arise from unmet needs in communication, love, kindness. Admission substance facilitates communication with peers and the opposite sex. To overcome the sense of isolation, shyness, have confidence in their abilities. "According to the easier to communicate with others," - says the teenager. There is evidence that up to 30% of all alcoholics start drinking habits "doping" before the relationship, especially with people of the opposite sex. Intoxicated not only facilitate communication, but also a sense of looseness, security, freedom and free speech in action, not a feeling of close contact with others. By this means often resort closed trevozhno- teenagers suspected, emotionally vulnerable.

The activation model.

In some cases, adolescents use psychoactive drugs to lift the vitality, vigor, increased activity. Be sure your skills and abilities, have low self-esteem, adolescents are trying to achieve the opposite - confidence, courage, looseness. Intoxication becomes easier to implement real and imaginary ability to perform "extraordinary things." In other cases, in the same manner achieved by leaving the state of boredom, inactivity and spiritual emptiness. Alcoholism or drug use, for example, might give the impression of a beautiful teen fitness and compliance entirely satisfactory.

Hedonic model.

The substance is also used for pleasure, which evokes feelings of pleasure, physical and mental comfort. Invoked in this case, to be frank teenager admits that "I do it because I like it." They seek to create a fantastic world of hallucinatory images, to experience the blissful state of euphoria. Thus, for example, it occurs by inhalation of inhalants (vapor fuel glue, etc.). The pursuit of pleasure chemicals is due to the failure and inability to entertain the opposite (through sports, arts and other activities). In this way, a teenager manages to compensate for unmet needs. If drug intoxication want to give pleasure, they get along quite quickly to the formation of addiction.

Shaping model.

The desire of adolescents to imitate, to keep up with their peers, to be accepted by a group can lead to substance use for this purpose. In 90% of cases of abuse of drugs and toxic substances begins in informal groups. In order to survive the assertion of their own group membership and strengthen their social status, young people are forced to share with their friends all their activities, including in relation to the substance. The teenager said: "I do it because my friends also prick", "My friends are not considered wet hen." The development of this model is associated with the desire to imitate the leaders uncritically adopt everything about the community they belong to a teenager.

Manipulator model.

Perhaps the use of psychoactive substances to manipulate others for their operation, to change the situation in their favor, to achieve certain benefits. Hysteroid teenagers, for example, wanting to shine, to draw attention to its uniqueness, the ability to "drink a lot" to achieve a leadership position, ready to use drugs and alcohol. Adolescent substance epileptoid through trying to control the situation successfully play the role of leader.

Compensatory model.

This pattern of behavior is determined by the need to compensate for the lack of harmony somewhat deficient character of personality, motivational sphere. Teens who can not tolerate conflicts and difficulties in school and at home, there is a greater risk of addiction fixing, as a way to answer to any of life's problems. This creates difficulties printing permissions and helps avoid unpleasant experiences. Alkogoliziruyuschimsya anesthetized and adolescents tend to have fun immediately, regardless of the immediate and long term effects.

The use of toxic and narcotic substances promotes endless passion listening to the modern rhythm and make loud music, gambling, addiction to slot machines sexual experimentation and casual sex.

Formation of narcotic addiction is largely due to the group of psychological dependence, that is, with the emergence of the need for consumption only when a toxic substance will "own business". Not least for training have significantly reduced the resilience of adolescents due to emotional instability, lack of self-control behavior, low self-criticism, poor reflection, self-centered, doubt excessive appreciation of their own "I", an escape from reality, infantilism, a feeling of inability to cope with difficulties, lack of stable interest and hobbies.

For the people of Europe the price of treatment - 600 euro: detox from heroin to 3 days (full, painless cure of the drug), accommodation, food + meeting, transfer to hotel (shuttle).

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