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WHO is increasingly becoming a drug addict
When the psychiatrist advises the receiving or the patient, he tries to find out what distinguishes it anmnez (biography and history) from the history are not suffering from drug addiction. And usually detected by one or more of the following features:

1. Pathology of pregnancy (ie, expressed toxicosis and transferred by the mother during pregnancy or severe chronic infectious diseases).

2. Obstructed labor (Delayed from birth trauma or hypoxia of the newborn).

3. Hard to leak or chronic diseases of childhood (not excluding the common cold, pneumonia, frequent sore throats).

4. concussion, especially multiple.

5. Education is only one of the parents (ie, single-parent family).

6. Permanent employment of one parent (long trips, business workload and TL).

7. The patient - the only child in the family.

8. Alcoholism (binge drinking) or addiction from someone close relatives: father, mother, at least - my grandfather, uncle, brother.

9. Mental illness, bad character or frequent violations of generally accepted rules of behavior at any of the next of kin.

10. Early (12-13 years) started the use of alcohol by patients or abuse of sick volatile narcotic active substances (glue "Moment", solvents, gasoline, etc.).

As you can see, the list extensive. Of course, a lot of people do not become drug addicts also have a history of one or more of the facts - is not fatally leads to addiction. Nevertheless, they are always higher risk of developing drug addiction, even with a single drug use.

Another unpleasant news.

People who do not have a history of any of these features, too, suffer from drug addiction.


* You can divide all of the features of history (let's call them "factors, predictors," as is customary in medicine, or predisposing factors) into two conditional groups - biological and social. For example, biological factors are 1, 2, 3 and 4; and social - 5 and 6 and 7. There are those that relate directly to the two groups. This is an 8, 9, and 10 items in our list.

* The risk of addiction for those who have a history of factors, predictors of higher here's why:

* Biological factors directly affect the functionality of the brain, reducing its ability to endure intense or prolonged stress, not only and not so much intellectual as emotional sphere. I mean that if a person with a favorable history after more or less severe blows of fate can easily gather, mobilize, to go back to a normal rhythm of life, birth trauma or suffered a concussion will make it much harder. It is also harder for such people to maintain poise and composure in emotionally-tense situation.

* As a rule, the subject itself is not fully realized, since it is nothing to compare their condition - the disposal there is only personal experience. Sometimes people say that prior to injury, they were "calmer," "more balanced" and "energetic", but it happens rarely. Typically, changes occurred as the patients do not notice, and outside observers - not very close, who meet with them only occasionally.

* But on a subconscious level, the injured is always looking for a tool that would be able to help him, even for a short time, return the emotional stability or increase it. At first, the drug good job of psychological regulation, increasing the ability to carry the emotional load. And use them to become more confident, calmer and more active life. Therefore, for a person with a history of biological factors, predictors, incidental, or "experimental" drug use can be fatal - not knowing what threatens their regular use, he "earned" mental and physical dependence before notice the danger. And such cases are not uncommon.

Otherwise, those whose factors are predictors-social group. Of course, not in 100% of cases, but still quite often in families corresponding n. 5, 6 and 7 on our list of parenting is a non-systematic or giperprotektivny character (ie, such as for a child all the time thinking and decide to adults). The result is the formation of social and passive, socially irresponsible person focused primarily on consumption and has no desire to exert considerable efforts to build their future. In addition, often there is no (or is insolvent) and the program of its construction - have failed to teach senior planning life. Against the background of the lack of effective counter-propaganda of drugs, typical of our society, such a person vulnerable to temptation to try out new, unknown and pleasant, stimulate imagination, creativity - especially in the case of a young man. As a result of regular drug use begins. When it comes to understanding that it is time to stop anesthesia (and it will sooner or later recognize all), because of his personal qualities of the individual can not perform complicated - a long and difficult - spiritual work to return to the normal track, "nenarkomanskoy" life.

Factors 8, 9, and 10 belonging to the two groups at once, are combined: Firstly, they are usually accompanied by the presence of cerebral dysfunction of - approximately the same as it happens after head injury; secondly, the significant role played by defects in the formation of the personality, caused by an unhealthy environment.

* The fact that the brain damage can be not only the physical (mechanical) natural, i.e. traumatic, but also 1) congenital (usually prenatal obtained during pregnancy, at least - have hereditary) and 2) the chemical nature - as a result of acute or chronic poisoning - for example, alcohol in childhood or (even worse) than gasoline and organic solvents, which are contained in the formulations of household products.

* On the other hand, the social environment, which allows an early start drinking or condescendingly referring to it, usually (intentionally or unintentionally) triggers a teenager also to drug use.


I would like to note that a combination of several factors, predictors of the same or different groups, dramatically reduces the resistance of an individual to drug addiction. Even compared to someone who has only one factor predictor history. The same, incidentally, applies to alcoholism.

The issue of parents: How should we bring up the child does not become an addict? I do not know. Addicts are people with very different upbringing. Our colleagues from the World Organization of therapeutic community, which helps drug addicts and their families around the world in response to this question said: "At least, 1) do not abuse alcohol and drugs themselves, and 2) try to teach your child that not all his desire to be immediately satisfied. He must understand that the implementation of his desires is not immediately and not always what is needed to make the work, in exchange for the fulfillment of desires, he must bear some responsibility in the family or in front of friends ".

People who try drugs out of curiosity, but find it impossible to use them to "relax" or become more interesting to others, as a rule, do not become addicted. They quickly tired of the state of intoxication. If it does not get boring, so it was not a curiosity.

Do not believe the addict who says he gets the money for drugs in an honest way. People honestly earn enough money to regularly use drugs, just do not have the ability to "high 'due to its business workload.

On the other hand, when a person uses drugs regularly, through a more or less short time he had to quit work.

Why is that?

Drugs do not leave her for a second.

Too much time you need to just get them. If a man is rich, he can not take care of the search for drugs. But it is waiting for another danger. Drugs require a lot of time to "high", as soon as they use to work pretty hard, and sometimes impossible. However, if drugs have to eat regularly, most of the time in a day is spent on three conditions:

1. "high" when the work laziness;

2. Abstinence, when all thoughts are focused only on how to get the drugs;

3. dream when one is not working.

As a result, regular and productive work for the addict has to leave. And the money for the drugs it takes quite a lot (by the standards of an average budget).


Therefore, almost every day before every drug addict is an acute problem: where do we get the money, and fast and a lot. Since it is impossible to work, and parents are usually unable or unwilling to provide the children with money for drugs, the latter has to break the law. Here are the most common ways to get money for drugs:

1. "A loan with no return." The most harmless form of fraud addicts. Usually takes my friends, including friends of relatives. Of course, the persons from whom they can borrow money, and the limited financial resources very quickly exhausted. There are more malignant variety of such loan: children affluent parents borrow money from other addicts and give parents the necessity to pay, citing the fact that "otherwise they would be killed." For some reason (as specified in Chapter 7, "How to deal with a drug addict") parents should not give these debts. I have not once heard that a drug addict killed for such debt.

2. "Home" theft (usually begins with them the way the criminal addict). They steal money from the first domestic reserves and purses relatives, then sell their belongings and clothes, and then the value of the family - jewelry, expensive equipment and clothing. That's why families of addicts are usually poor.

3. Theft. When the house is already difficult to carry anything, they start to steal from other people. With equal probability addict may prefer to "specialization" on burglary or a pocket. Some steal in shops and stalls, but it's pretty hard when general alertness sellers.

4. Manufacturing and resale of drugs. Among drug users this way of earning is considered "fair." That's what the distorted logic! They not only do not think that it is a criminal offense, but that from the moral point of view, it is one of the most shameful, is like child molesting.

5. Fraud. Distributed less, because it requires a great intellectual effort. Typically, addicts cheat, to defraud the drugs directly or containing raw materials (medicines, etc.). However, fraud or money and valuables found.

6. Prostitution. Widespread among girls, though men are quite willing to act as a gigolo for drugs.

Drug addicts - people are generally quiet, if not too badly affected by withdrawal and the other, more "gross" and serious crimes - robbery, robbery, extortion, beatings, especially murder - committed much less (although make sometimes in a group). So the widespread opinion about the aggressive drug addicts is erroneous.


These sources of funds, spent huge amounts of drugs in the country on a daily basis. In addition to grief, did not produce drug addicts to society. It is understandable why it is necessary to deal with drug addiction?


Addicts are in dire need of friendship and love, even more than most healthy people. And of course, they can experience these feelings. Couples addicts sometimes differ enviable resistance (against the unions addicts and healthy). And friendship is often lasts a long time, even before one of his friends die or go to jail.

But only among drug addicts respects from generally accepted. All due to the fact that for them in the life of the main value of almost any situation remain the drugs. Therefore, if you need to choose between the continuation of friendship and peace in the family on the one hand, and the ability to get the coveted another dose - on the other hand, the addict prefers dose. It was at this moment - the moment the search or the carve-up of drugs - they have the vast majority of fights occur. This does not mean that they are fighting over a syringe with a solution (although often it happens). Commonly used recriminations, insults, I remember old grudges - just to shake out of partner drugs or money to purchase them. Often, instead of bickering junkies just steal from his closest friend money, drugs or goods (for sale) or lure them fraudulently.


If the drug is enough for all the relationships among drug addicts resemble idyll. Touching care, sincere devotion, dedication, willingness to share the last piece prevail in the companies and the families of drug addicts - if not above them hangs the threat of being without her beloved potions. Then all the wrongs are forgiven, and mutual deception and abuse seem to be everyday trifles.

It also happens that a drug addict, was robbed of his friend, and then pricked comes to rob the words of friendship and reconciliation. While he was in the euphoria, he can not even understand what is so angry at him his friend - the world is beautiful, their friendship is eternal, and the money - nothing. He is very surprised when, instead of greeting hears from other curses.


There is no doubt that parents should not encourage friendship among drug addicts. Whichever it was not until the moment when the friends began to use drugs, anything good from this friendship is not expected. Most likely, one of them will try to use the other for their own purposes, including for obtaining drugs. By the way, the cases when one of the friends of addicts robs another apartment, is not uncommon.

The same should be said about marriages among drug users. As a rule, couples drug abstinence is impossible. All the time there is "induction" - provoking one another partner to drug use, and roles within the pair may vary: for some time more active addiction is one spouse, then another. And externally (verbally) both can strongly give up drugs, but their behavior does not give the partner is no chance to forget about them.

The issue of parents: What if a spouse or a friend (friend) of my child - a drug addict? Best of all the forces trying to separate them. There are two possible situations:

1) Your child is not using drugs. In this case, 80 chances out of 100 that it will begin using them in due course.

2) Your child is using drugs, too. In that case, he would never stop using them, while living with an addict. I do not know (auth.) No cases of successful treatment of a pair of freaky (if anyone knows, please let me know). Even if they stop using drugs together, the very communion with one another is constantly provoke them to a resumption of anesthesia.


If you do not do drugs, you find it hard to understand the psychology of the addict, even when you have long been familiar with him. I also hard to understand them, and you know why? We share different values ​​of life - their little interest in health, respect of others, peace and a clear conscience - If these drugs interfere with getting to meet their numbers (and requests are growing all the time - that's the law of physical dependence!).

Addicts have also poorly understood.

But I've talked to Addiction relatives of drug addicts and choose from their stories the most, I think, reasonable ways of relationship with these patients.

In no case do not claim that these methods are suitable for every situation and especially because they are ideal. Of course, they bluff, straightforward and not quite coincide with the generally accepted standards of morality. So.

When a casual acquaintance with a drug addict, you can, of course, discuss the various problems concerning the life of freaky. But I do not advise him to enter into any business relationship - a drug addict, if not going to specifically take advantage of you, people are still very optional. You can count on them only when they expect from dating tangible benefits for themselves. More frequently, the stories they tell, are a prelude to a more or less petty fraud. So if you feel yourself to the increased interest in drug addict, better hurry to part with him.

If you have recently appeared boyfriend (or girlfriend) suddenly find themselves addicted, better stop acquaintance, even if (s) he seems interesting person or assures you that for you to stop using drugs.The probability of a favorable outcome is very small - even the power of modern medicine can not completely cure the addiction - and you will inevitably incur material and even more painful damages. So hurry to get rid of him. And to hell with it, with this addict. If you have a business relationship with an addict Remember addicts usually extremely optional, deceitful, greedy and selfish. Their behavior is generally unpredictable and often depends only on the concentration of drug in the blood. For example, a drug addict is now the impression is quite reasonable, quiet and friendly, even the natural man. It is quite possible that after four hours it will seem unreasonably nervous and irritable, and perhaps "raving mad". Then came the withdrawal. Two hours later, he may look like a sleepy, half-witted idiot - mean time to "pin". It will take 3 hours, and it is quite a normal person again. And the cycle begins again. The best - still stop business with a drug addict. Addicts are very unreliable business partners, especially if they act on their own behalf. In addition, it is quite greedy people. And they are easy to lie, "lie like breathing" - in their own words. If you still have to deal with them any questions, remember: 1. You should have as much documentary evidence of the promises and commitments of addicts. 2. In no case do not trust things and money addict even under written obligations - he can sell any thing and "puncture" any amount, without thinking about the possible trial and sentence. Even if it will put the money to you I will not return. 3. You should always be in a stock it is something that is very interested in a drug addict (just do not mess with drugs - your partners you "surrender") - to stimulate the performance of his own obligations. 4. Your partner is not a drug addict should know how to steal items of interest to them (if they can be stolen) - addicts steal to stop. 5. If possible, do not give them your address and even the phone. 6. Try not to lie and not to violate the addicts on their promises. Strange words junkies remember very well, and are regarded as a violation of their permit fraud. Besides, there are many of them - true original - "respect" to the honest people. If the addict - a close relative or a friend This is the most difficult situation. From a loved one do not turn your back. Sometimes, though, parents find the strength to give up their children - when children become unbearable. But more care addict - a lifelong cross. A selfish larger than drug addicts, the light never seen before. They shamelessly use their neighbors, without thinking about their abilities and capabilities. Psychiatrists believe that as a result of living with an addict his relatives make their true mental disorder (which, in turn, causes other diseases), and even come up with a diagnosis for relatives addict "codependency." The term "codependency" means that the relatives and friends of the addict as a result of the constant trauma and trying to adjust to it produced a set of special features that hamper the normal and happy life. The question parents: Can we say that the addict himself has the right to decide to use drugs on him , or not? A: how do you disable it? Normally close addicts try as much as possible to hide his misfortune from acquaintances, friends and relatives. As a result, they remain a problem alone. And one is a warrior. Therefore, it is better to try to contact the non-governmental organizations or social services able to provide psychological assistance and advice. Written about them in Chapter 18, "Where to seek help?". Currently, assistance to drug addicts and their families mostly anonymous. At least you will not have the feeling that you are alone in terrible trouble. Any parent understands (if someone does not understand, tell me): a drug addict in a sense, is to innocent child, he Children's approach to adult problems. He is careless, impatient, arrogant, does not take into account the possibility of other objective circumstances, I am confident that all get away with it - because in his heart he is a good man and does no evil purpose. However, many addicts are really kind and good children. Unfortunately, it is noticeable only when they have enough drugs. The question of parents: Should I drive out drug addict from the family?

I do not know.Chances are good that he will die outside the family or go to jail - and there people do not become any healthier or better in nature. From drug addiction in prison, too, can not be cured. But on the other hand, if you have got any intolerable threat to your health and well-being (health and well-being of other family members) - to drive it better. Anyway, you can not be constantly safeguard it against hazards and sooner or later he still die or go to jail. To advise something about the rules of conduct with a drug addict, someone (usually it's a son or daughter) is very difficult. All family situation is different, and it is constantly changing, people depend on each other is stronger, weaker, and attached to each other when more when less. Spiritually and physically parents may be severely depleted or, conversely, very strong. Distinguished family and material possibilities. So basically you have to make decisions based on our own experience and / or intuition. But a few tips I do give. 1. First, try to get rid of unproductive feelings of guilt for the transgressions of his child. If he is old enough to not fulfill your requirements - hence, to be responsible for their own behavior. You still will not be able to live his life for him, and do not reproach themselves for nothing. Even if you find the cause of his blemish defects in your parenting techniques - what you can do with this now? 2. Relations with the addict should be based on solid rules, are not subject to change. He just needs to know how you will react to this or that his antics or misconduct and that it will take in response. And if he did something reprehensible, you have to follow their rules or promises to end (the same thing about his good deeds). The issue of parents: Do I have to be tough, or, on the contrary, compliance with drug users - family members? I do not think it should be neither hard nor compliant - it is just necessary to you, and he always followed the rules the same for all. In any case, it should well represent your views on addiction and your actions, depending on a given situation. Force stop the anesthesia threats or, conversely, tearfully persuade him "not to be pricked" unlikely. 1. You must be very truthful with the addict. If he knows that he can lie, he will neither trust you, nor will your conditions. 2. It is not necessary to hide the truth about what your child is using drugs, by relatives and friends. This is for two reasons: firstly, it can use their ignorance to wheedle money for drugs; secondly, is your behavior he regards as an implicit, but nevertheless agreed to put up with his drug addiction (according to the principle: "If the parents hide - so I'm not that much different from normal people, it means that things are not so bad") . 3. Moreover, if the parents of your child's friends will not know about his problem, he will have more chances to make addicts of those children who are not yet familiar with the drug. I do not know if you can not forgive himself for that. In addition, other parents for a suitable case, they will not be able to keep him from the crime, if not to understand its aspirations. In general, I believe that addiction spreads so rapidly because people hide their unhappiness - are embarrassed to talk about them, they consider them shameful or not interesting. So let us not be silent! Because drug addiction can only be tackled together. The issue of parents: Do I need to inform parents of drug addicts that their children are sick, if you have such suspicions?

Difficult question.I think we should. The child's parents may be inexperienced, and did not even expect this - in this case, your warning may help them more quickly to begin the necessary actions. Even if they are insulted and flamed you, your alert will still help them, and you will be proud of themselves. If, moreover, you will be right, they will have to apologize to you - if they are decent people. 1. Maybe it is not suitable for all parents, but I still think about it: if your child is used to, that you liquidate the consequences of his misconduct (pull it out of the police, to pay off his debts) - whether he has an incentive to change their lives attitude to drugs? The issue of parents: Should we give children money for drugs? After all, if you do not give, they are forced to commit crimes. I can not answer this question unambiguously. This is a private matter of the parents, and they act on the basis of their principles of life. My personal attitude is the same: to give money for drugs, as if we maintain a comfortable existence addict and had less incentive to cease anesthesia. No parent drug money is not enough for an addict will still steal or trade potion. Giving money, in my opinion, it is possible only if the state of health of the addict is extremely serious (ie he is dying), and medical assistance is delayed for reasons beyond his control.

Finally.Be aware that you must be patient - addiction lifelong disease, and even if your family member has stopped using drugs, still you can not let my guard down and relax. Any unimportant factor that you seem trifling, could lead to a resumption of anesthesia. ARMY ISSUE [top] It so happened that the vast majority of drug addicts - men. And the young men. From the point of view of our country, they are all liable for military service and must serve the proper time in the Armed Forces (or the police). On the other hand, many parents hope that their sons unlucky, hitting into the army, "learn to life" and change their attitude to drugs. Therefore, the problem of relations between the army and drug addicts is very urgent. I will tell you a small military secrets: I am a former military doctor (Ed.). And not just a military doctor and a military psychiatrist. Mentioned problems had to deal with 6 years old, and that's what I think: Narcotics serve in the army should not be. The modern Russian army - and it is extremely regrettable - is unlike the army, remember that the fathers of today's conscripts. Army - part of our society, and in it are the same people that surround us. Selfish, crime, drugs, more and more hit and the army, too. It is for this reason that we can not expect that young people will be isolated from the drug there. Experience shows that in most military units have more or less active addicts, and they quickly found each other and potential drug users. Military groups represent relatively closed cells (which have traditionally condemned informing the supervisory bodies - Command - of interpersonal relationships), their members have approximately the same age, gender and interests. Therefore, the spread of drugs military units represent favorable environment. There are also factors that contribute to drug use by young soldiers: - a sharp change in living conditions; - a sharp change in social status - a sharp increase in the physical and emotional stress - all these stress factors to which addicts are used to respond to drug-taking. I want to say that in the army soldier life is not so easy, but the addict at all difficult: there is shouting at him, forced to do hard and dirty work, do not hesitate to hit. He was not used to restrain himself in expressing negative feelings, and the army all sorts of wrangling on the part of younger punished and sometimes severely. Therefore, he feels humiliated all the time - and this is another reason to continue anesthesia.

Where do we get the drugs in the army? Do not flatter yourself with the thought that the drugs can not penetrate behind barbed wire military units - there is always a hole. If the area been established delivery in military units (and it happens quite often), the drugs are easy to get, without even going into the "AWOL." The availability of drugs in the military service does not depend on the geographical location of the - even in the cities, in principle, to find drugs easier but mainly by its staff. Less drug use in highly technical or elite units - for example, in parts of government communications, in some superspetsnaze, parts of signals intelligence and the like. But addicts rarely get to serve in these parts - in their personal file is usually a mark on hooliganism, drugs or convictions; at the same time necessary to service the knowledge and skills available. Such recruits are usually sent to the troops, where the degree of responsibility is not too high. They are concentrated in the construction battalion, unimportant shelves and different holes. And quickly made ​​friends, continue to indulge in their usual vices. I have personally seen the good guys caught in those parts, who were returning from there addicts. But have not heard about any addicts who have been cured in the army. Moreover, in the army addicts commit crimes that can permanently be behind bars: desertion, theft of property, and even the arms trade (I had a patient who for drugs sold his Machine - and I have heard about many such cases). There are frequent among drug warriors, suicide attempts, and not only to "scare the command." Average completion of military service junkie - a criminal case or the dismissal of Mental Disorders (drug addiction or psychopathy). No gain from the service junkie receive neither the country nor the family, nor himself. What can we do, in fact take military enlistment offices to serve anyone who just manage to find? I can only give one piece of advice - addicts should be put on drug treatment records. Or about a psychiatric illness psychopathy, the benefit of the vast majority of drug addicts there signs of psychopathy. The registration of psychopathy automatically excludes the call to service, while maintaining the majority of the civil rights and freedoms, and the patient does not lose from this. Well, if it is that is not afraid of using drugs, it is unlikely that he shines the work for which you want the absolute mental health. So I think that recourse to a psychiatrist with complaints about the unacceptable behavior of the son should not scare parents. Just do it in advance, at least for half a year (better per year) to call. Oh, and - when you go to the mental hospital, taking with him all the inquiries about your son's head injuries, his negative characteristics from places of study or work and documents about litigation - it can help you cool during the military-medical commission.

For the people of Europe the price of treatment - 600 euro: detox from heroin to 3 days (full, painless cure of the drug), accommodation, food + meeting, transfer to hotel (shuttle).

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